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Make ur Desktop Animated


Its a cool trick, just follow these steps:

1. Right click on ur desktop and click properties
2. click desktop [tab] ==> click customize desktop
3. click web [tab]
4. Click New

Now here u have a dialouge box with a bar of Location: in which u have to paste a gif file web url

Note: u can find it from many websites like


Go any web site that contains gif animations, open a gif file from there and right click it then click on properties it will show u the url link of the gif file, just copy that link and paste in the location bar. Now click ok. A message will apear

[Add Item to Active Desktop] just click ok it will synchronize the item [u dont have to do anything here] after synchronization Click Ok and Ok again and u are done.

Here is a sample of my desktop

Not Only this u can also add animations from ur hard drive to ur desktop.

For that u have to click browse after [step 4] and select a gif file from ur hard disk.

Little Lady Cakes said...
September 16, 2009 at 5:12 AM  

How cool!

nonny said...
September 19, 2009 at 3:01 PM  

A couple of my friends had animations on their desktops and would not tell me how they did it. Thank you for explaining it so well. Please write more tips

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